Segal on of our Managers awoke this morning not in his bed but on the couch at Porters. Why? Because as he sat at Rosie's last night grinning like a fool and embarrassing himself (I'm just guessing about that part), our plow guy Junior was busy encasing his car in an inpenatrable fortress of solid ice and snow. Junior has a great sense of humor and he is extremely good at his job.I could describe how bad his car was stuck, but these photos are probably quicker and more effective. Warning to customers: Segal is not in a position, emotionally, to provide top-notch customer service this morning....sorry.

Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Batting Cages
We are all signed up for a new softball team this season. It looks like this team is more competitive then our team of drunks we played on in the past. The season doesn't even start for six weeks and we started practice at the batting cages, and are set up to have a few practices a week until the season starts. The last six years of playing on other teams we never practiced, I have a good feeling about this team.
Playing with Lilly
The warm spell has finally snapped, with about two weeks of warm weather the snow has finally returned, it's supposed to keep snowing through the weekend. Today Lilly just had to get out in the snow and play some fetch, I think she never gets tired. It's not a bad way to take a break from my computer.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Testing K2 at Squaw
Today I tested snowboards all day at Squaw, it's a tough job but someone has to do it. Al I have to say is the Turbo Dream is one of the best All Mtn boards of the year it was perfect for todays conditions. I forgot my camera at home so sorry no pictures.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Hooking up with Family
After moving my dad and Stephine into there new place my buddy Danny came down for the night. We went over to Danielle's parents Dave and Diane's for a quick visit. We ended the night at my favorite Mexican Restaurant La Milpa they have the best chunky salsa. John, Danny and I stayed the night at my dad's and I thought I was in the woods with a bear, John snores so loud luckily I had some ear plugs else I never would of got any sleep.
Sunday Morning we headed to my Grandma Margret's to spend some quality time telling old stories and helping grandma put together a puzzle, she could probably put it together ten times faster than me. After a nice visit we headed of to my Aunt Dede's which I hadn't seen in over a year. It was great to see her and the kids Ryan, Alec and Aydan. My uncle Dan swung by with his son Dillon it was good to get all the family together. It was short but sweet since I had to head back up the hill. All in all it was a great weekend. Back to work tomorrow.
Sunday Morning we headed to my Grandma Margret's to spend some quality time telling old stories and helping grandma put together a puzzle, she could probably put it together ten times faster than me. After a nice visit we headed of to my Aunt Dede's which I hadn't seen in over a year. It was great to see her and the kids Ryan, Alec and Aydan. My uncle Dan swung by with his son Dillon it was good to get all the family together. It was short but sweet since I had to head back up the hill. All in all it was a great weekend. Back to work tomorrow.
John's New Poker Shoes
Moving Dad
Friday, February 15, 2008
Driving San Jose to help my Dad move
Just did the drive down the hill to the bay. I think half of the Bay and Sac are on there way to Tahoe for the three day weekend, it should be good for Porters. I am going to help my dad move this weekend, aren't you all jealous.
Snow Car
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tres Gatos
Alpine Meadows With the Inlaws
Danielle's parents met us at Alpine Meadows Sunday for a great day of snowboarding. The weather was warm fifty degree's for this time of year, especially since they were closed the Sunday before because an avalanche covered the road. You have to love the California weather. The snow conditions were great they have plenty of snow to make a good season. We had a nice dinner at Azteca’s then they were back to San Jose the next day.
Overdue Update On Rich
It's been a while since I have wrote any updates on Rich. Sorry it's been so long. A lot of you have asked how he is doing. I will due a quick wrap up on the last month. He was flown from LA to Reno to be transferred to Tahoe Pacific long term care hospital, so he could be closer to home. He isn't in a coma any more but he has very limited mobility and no speech. He is trached to give him oxygen. I saw him Monday morning and it's really hard to have some one just stare at you not being able to say or do anything. My thoughts go out to his family. Get well soon Rich we all miss you.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Old Friends In Town
Saturday Brett and Macy friends from high school came to Reno for the day to hang out. We had a lot of fun and did a mini tour of Reno. First we had some lunch and one of or favorite Mexican restaurants Fresh Mex yummy. Then off to the ice rink downtown but unfortunately it was closed during the day due to it being to warm. We ended up just walking down the river and made a few stops along the way. After that we went to the Grand Sierra Resort and raced to Go Carts Danielle kicked are asses she is a natural. We ended up inside were we did a little gambling didn't win anything like normal. We swung by Snowind to see an old Co Worker Lonnie at here new shop in the Resort. Played a few video games then it was time for them to head back to Sacramento. We had a ton of fun in a short amount of time.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
DC Party at the Hue Heffner Playboy Suite in the Palms
Here is some dancing at the DC party the water by the elevator was hard to see and a few people walked into it that night.
DC Party
Every year all the vendors compete to throw the coolest party, I have been to a ton over the years and this years DC party ranked up there. They rented out the Hue Hefner Playboy suite in the Palms. It was one of the nicest hotel suites I have ever seen, two bedrooms huge balcony with its own pool hanging over the balcony, media rooms, bars, elevator, rotating bed, massage room, gym you name it this place has it. Porters being the premiere shop it is, got four out of the 200 tickets to this party, remind you that ther are over 15,000 people at this trade show. Unfortunatley we had to leave out a few of our employees but I am sure they had fun on there own. We had a great night hanging out on the balcony with some friends from the shop down in Auburn Boards and Motion. There was a lot of drinking going on with the open top shelf liquor bar. The DJ was on point that night and got a lot of people dancing before the end of the night. We had a lot of fun thanks DC can't wait to do it next year.
K2 Chopper
K2 has this whole motorcycle them going this season and they had Orange County Choppers build them a bike, it's really trick. Two of the Porters girls Kathy and Alicia decided to jump on the hog and strut there stuff.
SIA 08
I finally got a full night's sleep now that I am back in Reno. For most peoples standards, I don't party at all, but just because I wasn't drunk doesn't me we weren't out late, a full nights sleep is a rarity in Vegas. I got a ton of work done while I was there, I was at the show every day from 9 till 6 looking at lines every hour on the hour, I saw some cool stuff and at the same time I also saw a lot of stuff that I would never buy for our stores. Porters has a whole migration of employees that come down mainly to party but they like to see all the new stuff, they don't have to be at the show as early as me so most then party till the sun rises sleep till one then cruze by the show for a few hours that off to do it all over again. What a life.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Vegas Airport
I am so glod to be at the Airport heading home. A week in Vegas can kill some, I survived it but am worn out. I got a lot of work done, but had a ton of fun at the same time. I went to some of the best resturants and partys. We went to a private party at the Palms Hughe Hefner Playboy suite talk about top notch. I'll do some more detailed post when I get home. It's been dumping back home can't wait to get on the hill.
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