Even though it was raining most of the day, we still found a way to have a good time. My dad, Stephanie, Cienna, Ginger, Danny, Aunt Ginger, Janet, Grandma Sylvia, Jonathan, Danielle, and I all hung out at our house today. We had great snacks, BBQ dinner, and a poker game. We celebrated Ginger's 18th birthday and Danny's graduation with a big chocolate cake. It was fun hanging out with everyone, except for Jonathan, who beat us all in poker. All in all, it was a fun Memorial Day weekend.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
BBQ, Poker, and Good Company
Even though it was raining most of the day, we still found a way to have a good time. My dad, Stephanie, Cienna, Ginger, Danny, Aunt Ginger, Janet, Grandma Sylvia, Jonathan, Danielle, and I all hung out at our house today. We had great snacks, BBQ dinner, and a poker game. We celebrated Ginger's 18th birthday and Danny's graduation with a big chocolate cake. It was fun hanging out with everyone, except for Jonathan, who beat us all in poker. All in all, it was a fun Memorial Day weekend.
Let there be light!
The damage that we needed to fix from the earthquake is finally all finished. We put up some new lights, our address, and did some last minute painting. We have had a lot of compliments on the new siding. I think it looks better than the bricks did. Thanks, earthquake, for taking care of that for us.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Gingers B-Day
Tonight we had a good dinner at Ichiban. We had 12 so the table was all ours, we were celebrating Gingers B- Day early, I can't believe she is going to be 18. After dinner we went to the Grand Sierra Resort for a ride on the swing and a few laps on the go cart tack, I smoked all of them, the track was wet from the rain so we were drifting all over the place. After that, we played some good old air hockey in the arcade and returned home for some more Wii action.
Family in town
Last night My dad, Sis, Cece and Danny rolled into town. My dad was staying at Harrah's with Stephanie and he dropped the girls off to spend the weekend with us. We were all starving so we went to Bully's for some grub. The girls played some Dance Dance Revolution lets just say that was funny. After dinner we went back to the house for a long night of Wii.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Danny's Graduation
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Hiking the Jones-Whites Loop Trail
After a night of not enough sleep we woke up at 6am to go hiking at Galena creek park to do the Jones- Whites Loop trail, it was a great hike it was 10.4 miles with 2400 Vert, the hike wasn't to tough but the first 2.6 miles was steep 1800 vert at least it was in the morning since it got hot quick by the time we finished it was in the mid 90's. We are still trying to get as much hiking in since we are off to Nepal in less than 3 weeks. Wow it's coming up fast.
Fixing the house
Saturday a friend Aaron and I started to fix the outside of the house after the damage from the earthquake. Aaron and one of his coworkers were here at 7am to start demoing the bricks, we managed to knock them down in less than an hour then of to the dump, Lowe's then to work. Aaron and Armando busted there buts and fixed a portion of the bricks then resided the rest of the house all they need to do is finish caulking and paint on Monday. Thanks guys for all your help, by the way it was about 96 degrees outside. That night we went to a going away Poker party for one of Danielle's coworkers, we had a lot of fun and Danielle managed to kick everyones but. Again another late night and we are supposed to get up at 6 to go hiking, this is starting to ware on me.
Friday's Highs and Low's
Friday we had a softball game but not untill 8:50 so we went over to Craig and Sara's near the field. We had a great dinner BBQ by Craig and we got to see there beautiful house and play with there daughter Gillian she is so cute. After dinner we headed to the game were we were running late and didn't have much time to warm up, the game started off bad by the end of the 2nd we were down 9-2 ouch but by the 6th we were up 11-9 we were all excited we came back, but in the last inning the other team had 2 on and a guy hit a 2 out walk off home run, bye bye the game is over. We were all bummed a few of the players wanted to go have a few drinks to erase there sorrows, one thing lead to another and we ended up hanging out until 1 which suck since I needed to get up at 6 the next morning.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
After Work MTB Ride
The last two weeks I blew the bust off my mountain bike and have been riding at lunch every day with Lars the web guy. Today we decided to ride after work so we could do a longer ride, we rode the emigrant trail in Truckee, it was a great trail for early season it was 18 miles about 1500 vert. Sorry didn't bring the camera so no pics.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Hiking Dry Creek Loop
We are continuing our exercising daily if not multiple times a day to get us ready for our trip. Today we hiked with Ginger and Janet in Galena on the Dry pond Loop it was a great trail for the spring, we hiked about 8.5 miles with no problems. I think we are in the best shape of our lives, well hopefully because we need to be.
Marcus and Julie tie the knot
Congratulations to Marcus And Julie they were married at Galena Creek park in Reno with the reception followed at the park. We had a great time we got to see a lot of good friends that we don't see often enough. We danced the night away and Danielle got a little tipsy. Marcus and Julie are two of the best people out there and I wish them a long and happy marriage.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Softball at Golden Eagle Complex
Tonight was are first game in the new Sparks sports complex. It was weird the whole complex is artificial turf which is good and bad. The balls bounce consistent but they don't slow down. It takes a few innings to get used to the turf, we lost the game 14-12 but had a lot of fun and it was close all the way until the end.
Coral Academy Renaissance Day
Leo is getting big
Cinco de Mayo
We celebrated Cinco de Mayo two nights in a row. Sunday night we had a party at Eleanor's with some work friends. We had a great time and Eleanor made her famous tamales they were great. Monday we went to a Mexican cultural party put on by Danielle's school, it was a lot of fun there were dancers that performed and we had a good dinner, we were running the raffle so we had to work but still had a lot of fun.
Chip's Surgery
Well sorry for not posting much lately, you know the excuses working and playing to much ,not any free time at home for the computer. I am going to do a few post to catch up. First is Chip had to have surgery two weeks ago to remove a growth on his face. The surgery went well but he hates the cone on his head, it was on for two weeks we just took it off today and he is so happy. During one of the earthquakes he got the cone stuck under our head board and couldn't run, it was sad but funny if you think about it.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Snowboard Alpine Meadows Big Booter Video Shoot
This is a clip that Lars put together from video I shoot at Alpine on my Digi cam.
Thanks Lars
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