Today I attended the Obama rally at UNR. I went by myself but meet up with Danielle, Kathy and Alica from work. There was a huge crowd it was counted at about 12,000. As you could assume a lot of his speech was about the federal bail out and his views on it plus it triggering the worst day in the US stock market ever. He talked about his plan to keep more jobs in the US, ways to get Americas youth smarter by hiring better teachers and paying them better. Using more natural resources for energy. He was very funny and made a few jokes about college students being broke and having to eat pizza every night, also talked about ways he is going to help students lower there student loans. Overall it was a really good speech and the crowd was fired up. As you can see there were a few protesters but only about 6, they were a little out numbered. All I can say is make sure you vote. We need a change and I think Obama is the best person to do it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Barack Obama Rally at UNR
Today I attended the Obama rally at UNR. I went by myself but meet up with Danielle, Kathy and Alica from work. There was a huge crowd it was counted at about 12,000. As you could assume a lot of his speech was about the federal bail out and his views on it plus it triggering the worst day in the US stock market ever. He talked about his plan to keep more jobs in the US, ways to get Americas youth smarter by hiring better teachers and paying them better. Using more natural resources for energy. He was very funny and made a few jokes about college students being broke and having to eat pizza every night, also talked about ways he is going to help students lower there student loans. Overall it was a really good speech and the crowd was fired up. As you can see there were a few protesters but only about 6, they were a little out numbered. All I can say is make sure you vote. We need a change and I think Obama is the best person to do it.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Dad's new dog Boo
Reunion with Old Friends
After a long night out we awoke early to go to breakfast with my dad, Danielle was moving a little slow. We went to this great family ran place by his house in Fremont, it was short visit but good. Then we brought my sister Ginger and meet Danny and John at my grandma Margret's, I try to at least swing by there whenever I am in town, it means so much to her.
After Grandma's we were off to Cluck U Chicken in Santa Clara, well it's not even named that any more but to me it will always be Cluck U. One of or best friends Nate was in town , he set it up with a bunch of us to get together and visit like old times. There was a ton of us there, I will ramble us all off, Daniele and me, my brother and sister John and Ginger, Best friends Danny and Nate with his wife Susan and Daughter Natalie, His brother Dustin with his wife Jenn and there two kids Lucas and Conner, There parents Rudy and Diane, Good friend Brad, Good long lost friend Mahriya and her fiance Andrew, old friends Chris and Sebastian and a last minute drop in of Danielle's parents Dave and Diane. Wow I think I got everyone, If I some how forgot you sorry.
It was great getting to hang out with all the old friends. Nate is busy in his third year of Medical School. Congratulations to Dustin and Jenn for having there second son Conner, Danny is going to San Jose State to finish his Bachelors. Ginger got her license. Mahriya and Andrew are getting married in June. Brad and Justina are also getting married next summer. There was a ton more I talked about but I don't want to write a novel. It was great seeing everyone and hope we can do it more often.
Danielle's 10yr High School Reunion
Over the weekend we went down to San Jose to attend Danielle's 10yr Milpitas High School Reunion. It was at Gordon Biersch in Downtown San Jose. Danielle was a little nervous to see her classmates most of them she hasn't spoke to in 10 years. She had nothing to worry about, she was looking really good. After a few minutes went by the people she was talking to she couldn't remember who they were, that made here run to the wine to calm her nerves. When everyone put name tags on that helped a lot. I was happy to see a good friend Kyle, that I knew through working at Oshman's. He is busy working as a Police Detective in Salinas, CA, Kyle and his girlfriend Yolanda are going to have there first baby, they were extremely happy. In the end I think Danielle had a lot of fun catching up with old friends. After the reunion we went with my brother John to a club Temple were the last drink of the night put Danielle over the edge, we danced for awhile and had a great night,
Saturday, September 27, 2008
In Milpitas
As we were leaving Reno we saw the Mystery Machine and had to take a pic. They were parked on the side of Kohls and it was really smokey inside, wonder what they were doing?
When we got to Milpitas we went to lunch at the Happi House with Diane and John. Danielle and here mom went to go get a manicure so me and John went to the Driving range, John is hitting good, me like normal all over the place.
Allstar softball player
Not really. Tonight I dove for a ball and ended up getting hit in the inner thigh with the ball? Not sure how but I was able to hold it it my legs while doing a somersault and got the out. I have a nice welt. I guess no pain o gain. Don't think it's meant to be used in that context but it sounds good by the way we won.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Dinner at Java Sushi
Had a wonderful dinner at Java Sushi with Porters and the Rome crew. It was a great crew Sully the Rome sales manager was in town and a lot of our employees know him from the East Coast snowboard scene, so it was a reunion of sorts. While we were eating UFC bad ass Nate Diaz came in and I had to mark out. Danielle was jealous she loves UFC. Nate is ripping through the 155lbs weight class and was winner of the Ultimate Fighter.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Strolling Down The River
This weekend flew by, as usual we had softball Friday night with another loss this team sucks. Saturday Danielle had class all day, so I went to work and got a lot done, with lack of emails and phone calls coming in. Sunday we had a lazy morning around the house, then down to the river to do a little walking outside. When you are in any down town area you always see lots of interesting people which make great people watching.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Porters and DC party
Last night at 50/50 brewery in Truckee Porters and DC did a movie premier for the Mack Dawg Double Decade. It was a great movie Jussi's part was the best, we had a few of the stars in the House Riders Devun Walsh, Iikka Backstrom, Aaron Biittner, and Lauri Heiskari the crowd was really excited to see the movie there were about 500 in attendance a 50/50 record. Thanks for evreyone envolved inmaking this a big succses go team.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The win streak halted
Danielle's Wednesday night softball team was 9-0 coming into tonight. After the pitcher walked in nine runs in the first inning the team was pissed and could never pull it back together. The team they lost to is now in 1st since they have both only lost one game, to each other and the other team won by more runs which gives them the edge. One more week left, don't think it will make a difference since the other team is playing the last place team next week.
Getting Chompers Cleaned
This morning I got the full cleaning and check up. Usually I love getting my teeth cleaned but this morning I think the lady cleaning my teeth might have been blind, she keep hooking and scraping my gum's, it was the worst cleaning I ever had. She said my teeth look great but they bleed more than normal, I wanted to say no crap you sliced my gum's. Needles to say I requested a new hygienist next time.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Old Surf Spots
After the show I decided to swing by a few surf breaks that I spent a lot of my teenage years at. For as much time as I spent at Pleasure Point and The Hook you think I would be a good surfer, not sure what happened? It brought back a lot of great memories. As I head over Highway 17 to head home, I meet my buddy Danny who was always with me in Santa Cruz when we were younger. It was nice catching up, after a quick dinner I head back up the hill and was home before nine.
Santa Cruz
Before heading to the trade show I stopped by one of the local surf spots Steamers Lane, the waves were non existent at all other places but they had some nice shoulder high waves. I only had about 15 minutes so I snapped a few pics then off to work. Hopefully the marine layer burns it's chilly outside.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Down in the Bay
I am down in the Bay area to go to the Santa Cruz trade Show for work and I love my sister so I decided to come down early and stay at our dads house. I went down a day early and saw my Great Grandma Margret and Brad for a few hours then off to my Grandpa Don and Grandma Thelma's. After sitting in a hour of traffic I got to my dads for a great dinner made by Steph. Here is a cute pic of My sister and her boyfriend Alex. Off to Santa Cruz tomorrow then straight home.
Riding Bikes & Teaching Scuba
This weekend flew by we played Softball Friday night, Danielle played two games and won both, that always makes it more fun. Saturday we rode our Mountain Bikes for a few hours and had Dinner at some friends Janine and Justin's. Sunday I was at the lake teaching scuba for most the day. Off to Santa Cruz for a few days of work. I am going to see some family in the bay in between. I'll try and take some pics.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
UFC 88
Riding on the trail
We took our bikes out to Dog Valley and head up to Stampede Reservoir. Danielle was jealous that I took my bike out so we rode 25 miles of trails from Verdi to Truckee. There was a cow roaming the road that had broke free from his grazing area. Danielle wanted to try and get him back in but he didn't want anything to do with it, we chased him for a minute and gave up. She thought he wanted to get back with his friends, but I am sure he could of got back in the way he got put.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Back on the Hog!
Reno Balloon Races
This morning when I got out the shower, I glanced out the window and there was a hot air balloon in the back yard. This weekend is the annual hot air balloon races at Rancho San Rafael park and they travel in whatever direction the wind takes them. It's cool to see a balloon land in your neighborhood. If you have time check it out this weekend but get there early, there usually done by ten.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Columbia Helicopter
This afternoon as I was sitting at my desk and the office began to shake. I ran outside to see this huge 2 rotor helicopter the Columbia taking off, it's crazy to see this huge mass just floating in the air.
I got through all the tent sales at work and they were very successful so hopefully I will have some free time to go play, and do some post since I have been lagging lately.
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