Climbing Mt. Whitney has been on my radar for the last 5 years. I could never seem to get a group together or secure the Permit which is the really tough part. But this year was different. In January Danielle, Aunt Ginger and I, decided to put in the for permit sometime in mid July. After talking to my buddy Adam we had 5 people that wanted in. We applied for the permit March 1st, it’s a lottery system. We were luckily enough to get a spot. I put 10 different days to maximize our chances and it worked.
Our permit was for July 12th – 14th. By the time July came around there was only 3 of us doing the trip. Danielle and Adam’s mom were injured. So on July 11th Aunt Ginger, Adam and I went to Whitney Portal Camp. On the drive down 395, we drove up Tioga pass and did a day hike at Saddlebag Lake just before the Yosemite entrance. We did this to get above 10,000ft and start to acclimatize to the elevation. After an hour we jumped back in the car to Lone Pine. Once we arrived in Lone Pine we picked up our Backcountry permit from the rangers station. They also gave us our WAG bags which will serve as our toilets for the 3 days. Once we were all set, we went up to our camp for the night Whitney Portal camp ground. We set up camp, had dinner at the Portal store, then head off to bed early. We had a big day ahead of us.
We awoke early to the sun rising. We weren’t in a hurry since we were doing the Whitney trail over three days. We planned on getting on the trail by ten. After taking our time packing up we went back to the Portal Store, and had a huge breakfast. If we would have known, we could have all ate one and still been stuffed. It was such a waste of food but the squirrels seemed fat from raiding the garbage cans. After a huge breakfast we all took our last trips to the bathroom. We were all hoping to empty out the intestines, so we wouldn’t have to bust out the WAG bag day one. I was able to not bust mine open until after dinner. I don’t think any of us made it to the next morning. Anyways after we were all relived we were on the trail. The total trip is 22 miles with a 6486 vertical foot climb. A lot of people do it in one day but it takes most 16 hours. We wanted to take our time and enjoy all the trail had to offer. We split it into 3 days. Day one we went from Whitney Portal to Trail Camp 6.3 miles 3675 vert. The trail was really well maintained and marked. We took it slow and steady and took a few breaks along the way. Lone Pine Lake 2.8 miles in was amazing it’s a small lake dammed in by huge boulders. Once we left we noticed it was starting to get cloudy. I stopped and covered my pack and got my rain gear ready. After another mile it started raining. It wasn’t bad since we were all ready. We just had to watch each step since it got slippery. After a few miles we were at Trail Camp. There was a break in the rain so we rushed to set up camp before it unleashed. Just after the tent was set up it started pouring. Adam didn’t bring a tent. So we all piled in my tiny backpack tent for a few hours until the rain let up. It was a little cramped but we played cards and tossed back and forth so our legs didn’t fall asleep. Just before night the rain stopped and the skies cleared. We rushed out of the tent and made dinner before it got dark. After a quick bite we were off to bed.
I awoke to the amazing colors of the sun turning the mountains a golden color. There were a lot of day hikers going past the camp as early as 5am to get up and back before dark. I got out of the tent a little early and explored the area and took some pics. When I returned Ginger and Adam were roaming the camp. We made breakfast, filtered our water used the WAG on last time. Then off to start the trail to the top. Today we were starting off on the toughest part of the trail 98 grueling switch backs. The switchbacks are only 2.2 miles but with 1620 vert. We took our time and took a few breaks to refuel. The snow run off was heavy and came straight down the trail in many spots. You had to tread lightly or you might slip on the slick rocks. We also had to go through a few patches of snow if it wasn’t hard enough. Once we made it to the top of Trail Crest we took a well deserved break. The next few miles were along the ridge gently rolling up and down. After the first part this seemed like a walk in the park. Once we arrived at the top you can see the Smithsonian Hut, I think Ginger thought it was a mirage. She didn’t think we were acutely there yet. We all signed the registry. This is how the Forest Service keeps track of how many people summated each year. Only 30% that start make it to the top. I was really proud of my group especially Ginger she did an amazing job. We stayed on the summit for about an hour. Taking photos and calling all our loved ones. Verizon should do a commercial up there. Anyone with AT&T couldn’t make a call. I let a guy borrow my phone. I should have charged him $20 bucks. After a rest we went back to trail camp and rest are abused bodies. I soaked in the freezing lake. I think it was the coldest water I’ve ever been in, no joke. We could have packed up and went all the way down. But we had already done 9.4 miles with 2811 vert up and down. There was no reason to push through it and not be able to walk the next day. We had dinner, played some cards then off to bed.
I again awoke to snap a few pics. I think the sunrise today was even better than yesterday. We all got up early today. I still managed to get another walk around the camp before we ate and packed up. Once we started hiking the 6.3 miles back to the car. Ginger was like a freight train heading down hill. There was no stopping her. Once the end was in site we could barely keep up with her. Before we got to the car we all decided to weigh our WAG bags and see who top shitter was. I’m sure everyone reading this has their money on me. You would have all lost Ginger was the winner or loser depends how you look at it.
I want to thank Ginger and Adam for an amazing trip. Without them it wouldn’t have been the same. Ginger is 54 and passed tons of people along the way. She is in amazing shape, congratulations Ginger.
Hopefully we will all do it again. Hopefully Danielle and Adam’s mom can make it next time.