We knew that a pretty potent storm was headed for us last night, but it was still a little uncertain what time it would actually hit us. About 6am I received a call saying we would be on a two hour delay at school, so I went back to sleep. When I woke up a little later, I looked out the window and thought “Hmm…this is going to be an interesting drive.” Actually I was pretty pissed that they didn’t call a snow day. It was dumping outside and visibility was minimal. Our students come from all parts of Reno and driving at this point has become pretty dangerous. I started to get ready so I could head out on the road when the phone rang and explained school would be cancelled. Jason had already made the call to work from home and it was a good thing because the freeway headed to Truckee was closed anyway. So instead of heading to work, we fired up the snowblower!