Tomorrow I am Europe bound! My dad, brother, and I will first be landing in Amsterdam and then we are off on road trip around Western Europe. I am excited to be traveling with my dad and brother. I can't remember when the last time we all took a trip together was. My dad, who was born in Holland, will be able to show us not only where he lived before coming to the States, but also things like where my grandfather used to play soccer and where they were married. It will be an intriguing family history lesson. Normally these Spring trips leave Danielle to work at home, but this time the end of the trip coincides with her Spring Break from school. She will join us on the 10th and be able to spend about 8 days. Danielle and I will leave from Amsterdam and hit Berlin and also Prague before heading home. Of course camera and computer will be in hand, so stay tuned for pictures and updates. Let the traveling begin! I hope our rental company gives us an up-to-date model...