Friday night we left Reno at four after some traffic and a stop for dinner we arrived in Yosemite at nine. Due to the late arrival we decided to sleep in the back of the 4runner, after about 30 minutes of sleep we were awaken by a ranger telling us we couldn't sleep at the trail head. Long story short we had to drive out of the park and sleep on a dirt road, it was only a mile drive.
Early the next morning we awoke to the beautiful mountains of the sierra high country. We had a quick breakfast then off to get are back country permit. We started are hike about eleven we hiked 7.5 miles from Tamarack Flat to the base of El Capitan. It wasn't to bad of a hike but there were a few miles that were really steep. As we arrived to were we wanted to camp, I set up camp and Danielle made an early dinner. After we ate we hike the last mile to the summit of El Cap it was amazing you could see the whole park, Half Dome is my favorite I must of took a hundred pics of it. We made it to back to camp just before dark.

That smile was in the very beginning of the trip. Let's just say that pack got really freakin heavy really quick. Oh well, it was worth it because the views were breathtaking!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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