Thursday as we work working at Alpine as the Standard films crew showed up to shoot for there 09 movie. They had built a 90ft huge jump, we got to hang out and watch some of the best riders in the world Chas Guldemond, Juuso Laivisto and a few others go huge off this thing.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Porters Video Web Reviews
Porters Billboard
I was really busy last week and never got to post this. If you drive up West Interstate 80 you will see our new billboard just past Reno at Gold Ranch. It's cool seeing Porters on a huge billboard.
Damage Pics
A Whole Lot of Shakin' Going On...

Since February, Northwest Reno has been rockin and rollin will all sorts of quakes (literally thousands). Most of them are 2.0s and 3.0s, which isn't bad, however considering how close we are to the fault line and the amount that are occuring each day (approx. 30), it can get really annoying. Thursday we had a 3.0 something, 4.1, and a 4.2 within minutes. We were not home and we did not have much damage other than some drawers opening and things falling off of the shelves. That became a totally different story after last night. Friday about 11 p.m., we returned home from our weekly softball game. We were chatting for awhile and winding down when a 3.3 hit. It was decently strong and then all of a sudden (like 60 secs later) all hell breaks loose (11:40 p.m.). A loud boom followed by a ridiculous amount of shaking left our house an absolute mess. We had broken everything from plates, glasses, cups, dishes - glass everywhere - pictures, clothes - scattered about - and the worst was our water heater, which started spewing water into the garage. A pipe busted from the top and caused water to flow out. Let me tell you that the court that we live on is awesome. Everyone came outside and started running around to see if everyone was OK. We have a few elderly homeowners and we were most concerned with them. We noticed our water heater issue first, so I ran around checking everyone and half of our neighbors had the same problem. We cleaned up the broken glass and then finally went to sleep around 3 a.m. We decided that it would be safer to sleep in the small guest bedroom with our three cats close in. There were numerous large aftershocks all night long. Talk about not getting any sleep! So, this earthquake was like a 4.7, but let me tell you that after going through a 6.9, this felt WAY stronger than a 4.7. Thanks to my grandma and Ginger and Janet coming over and helping us assess the damage. Let the clean up begin.... (Pics to follow soon.)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Climbing with Danielle at River Rock
Danielle and I went out and to climb for the first time on our own. We got all our gear last week. We went up to river rock which is just off highway 80 near the state line, it was cold and windy yesterday but I just wanted to get out there. We set up our own top rope and climbed a few routes off it. We had a ton of fun. We had to cut it short since were going to watch UFC last night, there were some great fights, we also got to hang out with some friends Bob and Sommer.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Softball Game 1
Tonight was are first game, did all the practice pay off. It started off great the first inning we hit 4 runs with a home run. As the game progressed we ended up losing 10 to 8, at the end of the game I called out an illegal bat they were using, they should have got a forfeit but the ump said it was to late whatever? We played a good game hopefully it will end up better next week.
Shreading With Lars
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Wow check out the Deer
This weekend has been pretty similar to the past, we are still busting our butts getting in shape for our trip. Saturday we started off with 2 hours in the gym, followed by lunch then off to the climbing gym for a few hours of Rock climbing, what a day we were beat. Sunday we went on a 6 mile hike from the house up Peavine Mountain we saw a herd of about 23 deer it was really cool, they were just eating grass and never ran away. I have seen a lot of deer in my days but never a herd this big.
Coral 6th Grade Olympics
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Climbing Break
Today I went climbing with Brad my Black Diamond sales rep. I worked a half day then we headed up to Donner Summit for a afternoon of climbing, there is still a lot of snow so the options were limited and there was about a dozen others up there already. The 1st spot was right off the road it was called road cut back, we ended up climbing 3 routes Brad lead climbed placing protection then I followed and cleaned up the route. He taught me along the way since I am still new to climbing. After a few hours there we headed 20 miles down Highway 80 to a place called River Rock, Brad had never climbed there but I see people there all the time, when I am heading home from work. These Crag wasn't as close to the car as the last spot, we had to park on the side of 80 and hike about 15 minutes down the hill cross the train tracks and over a old suspension bridge it was a nice hike. We were able to set up top ropes and climbed 3 more routes one that kicked my but Karl's Crack a 5.10A that is way above my skill but I did it twice and learned a few things each time, I got up but it wasn't pretty. Thanks Brad for taking the time to show me a few things.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Chilling out
This weekend we had Softball last night, Danielle's parents stopped by on there way home from Mammoth, had a nice dinner with them. Today we took a 3 mile hike up Peavine did a bunch of shopping then went to the Gym. Sorry no pics forgot the camera at at home.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Red Dawn Shop Battle
Today was the shop battle at Boreal. This is a fun contest, all the shops in Nor Cal get two of there best employees ski or snowboard and two of there team riders to duke it out for the coveted trophy, but mainly bragging rights. This year I showed up a few hours late since in the past it never has started on time, this year it did and I missed the contest but was there for the after party. We had two teams the Web dorks and Tahoe City the web guys did great and should have won but Lars wasn't feeling it? The Boreal team one? Seems like a set up since it was at there mountain and they built the contest. Thanks to the Red Dawn for putting on the event.
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