Since February, Northwest Reno has been rockin and rollin will all sorts of quakes (literally thousands). Most of them are 2.0s and 3.0s, which isn't bad, however considering how close we are to the fault line and the amount that are occuring each day (approx. 30), it can get really annoying. Thursday we had a 3.0 something, 4.1, and a 4.2 within minutes. We were not home and we did not have much damage other than some drawers opening and things falling off of the shelves. That became a totally different story after last night. Friday about 11 p.m., we returned home from our weekly softball game. We were chatting for awhile and winding down when a 3.3 hit. It was decently strong and then all of a sudden (like 60 secs later) all hell breaks loose (11:40 p.m.). A loud boom followed by a ridiculous amount of shaking left our house an absolute mess. We had broken everything from plates, glasses, cups, dishes - glass everywhere - pictures, clothes - scattered about - and the worst was our water heater, which started spewing water into the garage. A pipe busted from the top and caused water to flow out. Let me tell you that the court that we live on is awesome. Everyone came outside and started running around to see if everyone was OK. We have a few elderly homeowners and we were most concerned with them. We noticed our water heater issue first, so I ran around checking everyone and half of our neighbors had the same problem. We cleaned up the broken glass and then finally went to sleep around 3 a.m. We decided that it would be safer to sleep in the small guest bedroom with our three cats close in. There were numerous large aftershocks all night long. Talk about not getting any sleep! So, this earthquake was like a 4.7, but let me tell you that after going through a 6.9, this felt WAY stronger than a 4.7. Thanks to my grandma and Ginger and Janet coming over and helping us assess the damage. Let the clean up begin.... (Pics to follow soon.)
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