This is a Blog of our daily life for our family and friends.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Pics of the Taj Mahal
Finally got to an fast internet, were I could load a few of the smaller res pics. They are from yesterday at the Taj. We got there just as it opened and were able to get some good pics without all the crowds. The pic were I'm with two others are my Aussie friends Mark and Adele that I met on my safari, we ended up hanging out for a few days. It was great to have them to hang out with, they were really nice people, I will defiantly keep in touch with them when I return home. It did make me miss Danielle a lot hanging out with a couple. I at least got to talk to her yesterday which made me happy.
Is it smoggy, foggy, or rainy??
Cool, so we can go visit them in Aussieland?
if you guys go down under you better take me tooo!!!!!!!!!!!
Smoggy pollution was really bad in Agra. It gets a little better in the after noon but these were shoot in the morning.
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