Thursday, May 31, 2007

Highway 267 Wild Flowers

The wildflowers at 6000ft are starting to bloom. This is a spot I have drove by hundreds of times and never stoped. This is just passed Northstar before the summit.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Ginger

Today May 29Th is My lovely sisters birthday she is seventeen. Happy birthday sis. I miss you. Can't wait to see you. Love Ya.

Natalie Jule Butler Waibel

I want to Congratulate Nate and Susan Waibel for having a beautiful baby girl.

Natalie Jule Butler Waibel
Born May 27, 2007 at 4:25 pm
7 pounds 10 ounces
20 ¾ inches

You two are going to make great parents.
Nate is also in his first year of Medical school at the U of M so he has a lot going on. But if anyone can get it done he is the one.

Yosemite Day 3

On the last day of are trip we woke up early, ate breakfast and were packed up by eight. We did a short four mile hike to Dog Lake and Lembert Dome. It was a good way to end are trip. We ended up hiking about twenty five miles in the three days. Unfortunately we had to come back to reality. Danielle is starting summer school four nights a week of six hour classes and she is still working, she is amazing and still got straight A's at that.

Yosemite Day 2

After the sunrise on El Cap I ran back to camp and made some breakfast. We decided to pack up camp and move on to get the hard work out of the way, so we could rest on Monday, we saw less the a dozen people are two days out there, not bad for a holiday weekend. We hike all the way out of the back country, and spent are last night at the Tuolumne Backpackers camp. The camp ground was still closed so out of the over 200 site there were only three of us camping there.

Yosemite Sunrise on El Cap Day 2

I awoke about 5:55 Sunday morning and had a hair up my butt to run to El Cap and watch the sunrise. Danielle wanted nothing to do with getting out of bed that early. I jumped out of the tent and ran the mile up to El Capitan. I was a few minutes late but it was still amazing. I spent about an hour on the top. I went all the way to the edge. There was a guy sleeping in the rocks about 20 feet from the edge. I awoke him as I passed. We talked for a few minutes and he told me a few guys popped up at about ten o'clock from a seventeen hour climb up the face. They chatted for a few minutes then repelled back to the bottom, crazy. In all it was an amazing experience and would recommend it to all.

Yosemite Backpacking Trip Tamarack to El Capitan Day 1

We went on a 3 day trip to Yosemite over the weekend. I am going to break up the post due to the ton of pictures I took.

Friday night we left Reno at four after some traffic and a stop for dinner we arrived in Yosemite at nine. Due to the late arrival we decided to sleep in the back of the 4runner, after about 30 minutes of sleep we were awaken by a ranger telling us we couldn't sleep at the trail head. Long story short we had to drive out of the park and sleep on a dirt road, it was only a mile drive.

Early the next morning we awoke to the beautiful mountains of the sierra high country. We had a quick breakfast then off to get are back country permit. We started are hike about eleven we hiked 7.5 miles from Tamarack Flat to the base of El Capitan. It wasn't to bad of a hike but there were a few miles that were really steep. As we arrived to were we wanted to camp, I set up camp and Danielle made an early dinner. After we ate we hike the last mile to the summit of El Cap it was amazing you could see the whole park, Half Dome is my favorite I must of took a hundred pics of it. We made it to back to camp just before dark.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Verdi Fire

There has been a fire burning for the last three days at Highway 80 and the state line. I have to pass it on the way to work, it hasn't burnt a lot of acres but is in some steep terrain, and is giving the fire fighters a hard time. They are doing an amazing job cutting lines and keeping it from spreading.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Day of Diving and Hiking

We started the day off with a good breakfast, than off to the Lake for some fun. The northern Nevada Dive club was having s fun dive at Sand Harbor. I did a dive with some friends while Danielle graded papers on the beach.

After diving we had a quick bite to eat then off to go hiking. We were on the TRT from Brockway towards Watson Lake, We hike four miles then back home to clean up. Hope you all had a fun weekend.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Daily Lunch Walks

Eleanor has me as her personal trainer at work, we take daily walks around the airport raining from 1 to 3 miles. Today we walked to the Truckee river and back it's about 2.5 miles. We can get there mostly through airport property, we only need to cross one road with cars. The trees were in full bloom.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Snake Invaders

So I was mowing the lawn this afternoon and holy crap a snake charges out of the rocks. Of course, it scared me, I jumped back, and the lawn mower landed on the rocks. Now I need a new blade. Great...freckin' snake. Who would have thought there would be this sized snake in Reno? In a neighborhood? And then...while I am trying to fix the lawn mower ANOTHER snake crosses the street. From my estimates they were both around 3 or 4 feet long. Can garden snakes be that big? Weird. Anyway, if you don't hear from me for awhile, call Animal Control.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Morning TRT Hike

I had another great pre work hike on the TRT. I started at the same spot on Brockway, but I moved much faster and covered more ground in the same amount of time. I hiked 7.57 mile 1513 vertical Ft in 2 hours. I jogged most of the way down, The snow is melting fast a lot of the snow I crossed last week has melted. Let me know if anyone else would like to get out there with me.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Camping at Lookout camp

We went on a overnight camping trip this weekend. It was at a place called Lookout Camp it's only 16 miles from the house, but it took about 45 minutes since we were hauling a trailer, on a dirt road for 10 miles.We road are dirt bikes about 50 miles there are tons of trails back there.

After a long day of riding you tend to get a little dirty, but it's all in a days fun. We had a good spaghetti dinner and called it a early night, its was cold and windy. We brought my laptop and watched cars, it's a funny movie.

The next morning we woke early had breakfast, then went for a short hike, since we were waiting for it to warm up before we jumped on the bikes.

After it warmed up we rode for a few more hours then packed up and were home by two. What a good weekend. Back to the grind tomorrow.