Monday, April 5, 2010


I'm going to go back a day on my post.

Originally I wasn't planing on coming to Thailand. But since Brad couldn't stay for the whole trip. Bangkok was the most economical place for him to catch a flight back to the states. We spent most of our time in Thailand on Koh Chang which was amazing, we did the post on it few days ago.

Bangkok is a great big city. The traffic is crazy, the tourist areas suck money out of your wallet at warp speed. But if you get a few blocks off the beaten path the prices drop in half. And the locals are very friendly. I only had 24 hours before I left to Laos. So I made the most of my time and walked all over the city. I tried checking out neighborhoods I didn't see in my last trip. I had a good dinner for $1.50 and saw a few Wat's.

Thailand has been all over the news with there political tension. We even got a few people from the states trying to urge us to skip Thailand. But as you all know the media likes to blow things out of proportion, especially the US media. Yes there is a huge political rally going on. But it was very peaceful it was only a few block from were we stayed. I walked through it a few times and people smiled as I passed. What they are protesting about doesn't concern tourist, And they know tourism is a huge part of the economy. They don't want to mess it up.

The short of this is, don't always believe what you see on the news. There's too many 24hr news stations that need to fill air time. The news media likes to run things into the ground.

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