Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Floating the Ganges

Varanasi has been a challenging place to navigate. A a day of exploring I feel a lot better about the city. I meet an older man in the hotel Robert from San Francisco and he has been to Varanasi 30 times, and is a wealth of knowledge, I was lucky enough to meet him while I was on the computer, he showed me all the tricks to getting around the city, it helped make sense of all the side streets. He has been helping friends start websites to promote there business I talked to a few about taking better pictures and just small things I saw that can help them out. It was cool I never thought I would be in India trying to help a Indian start ta website to sell his silk. I told him a lot of things that help Porters out.

I also took to boat rides down the Ganges on at Sunset and one at Sunrise and it's amazing all the things that go on down the river. It is the Holiest site for Hindu's and they all want to bathe in the water, and also die in the water. They also do everything else in the water wash dishes, clothes, livestock. It's amazing to see and hard to explain. I would never touch that water though it's nasty.

Well got to go on an overnight back to Delhi, then off to the mountains of Shimla.

I love and miss you all.


Danielle said...

Is that Gaines sacred cow?

Anonymous said...

the water aint any nastier than your farts

Anonymous said...

The water couldn't be that bad...I mean dish soap, dead people, garbage - as long as it's holy you're all good. Ewwww.

Anonymous said...

That frickin' made me laugh hard. That's dookie water!....it reminds of how you and Danny talk when you were holy little shits yourself! Have fun! -Ronnie